Fabian Gundlach

Math 280Y (Arithmetic Statistics)

Spring 2023

Instructor: Fabian Gundlach (LASTNAME@math.harvard.edu)
classes Tuesday 12 - 1:15pm Science Center 309a
Thursday 12 - 1:15pm
office hours Tuesday 9:45 - 10:45am Science Center 233
Thursday 3:15 - 4:15pm
Course assistant: Jit Wu Yap (jLASTNAME@math.harvard.edu)
office hours Monday 10 - 11am
(email beforehand)
Science Center 111
Friday 3 - 4pm
(email beforehand)
Science Center 116


Ideas for the final paper

The final paper will be due on May 10 at 11:59pm (no extensions). Please send me a draft by May 3, so I can have a look and send you feedback!

There will be a make-up lecture on Tuesday, May 2, at noon. (Let me know if this time doesn't work!)


Please submit homework through Canvas. Please write your solutions in LaTeX (preferred), or use clean handwriting.


All notes (just my handwritten lecture notes; probably contain lots of mistakes)