Fabian Gundlach

Math 137 (Algebraic Geometry)

Spring 2021

Classes: Wednesdays 1:30pm - 2:45pm and Fridays noon - 1:15pm
Sections: Thursdays 4:30pm - 5:30pm every other week, starting February 5
Instructor: Fabian Gundlach (LASTNAME@math.harvard.edu), office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00am - 11:00am or by appointment
Course assistant: Kenz Kallal (FIRSTNAMELASTNAME@college.harvard.edu), office hours Thursdays 3pm - 4pm


Please contact me with any questions.

You should have received the final take-home exam by email. It will be due at 6pm on Friday, May 7. For the exam, you may consult the notes for this class (both those written by you and those you can download below), the class recordings, problem sets, and your solutions to problem sets (including any remarks from the grader). You're not allowed to consult any other references. You may discuss the exam problems only with the instructor (Fabian).


Everything will take place via Zoom. The meeting id for the classes and Fabian's office hours is 943-9619-0584. The password is the product of the six smallest prime numbers.
For the meeting id for sections and Kenz's office hours, contact Kenz.



All notes