Fabian Gundlach

Math 286X (Arithmetic Statistics)

Spring 2020

Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30 - 2:45pm in Science Center 310 cyberspace
Instructor: Fabian Gundlach (LASTNAME@math.harvard.edu), office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-4pm in room 233 cyberspace


Additional references

Ideas for the final paper, which will be due Wednesday, May 20, at noon (deadline has been extended by one week). If you send me a draft by May 13 (the earlier the better!), I will have a look and let you know if I have any comments.

Instead of class, we will do a field trip to Alex Smith's phd thesis defense on Tuesday, April 28 at 2pm. There will be a make-up class on Thursday, April 30 at the usual time.

Problem sets


Classes and office hours will be held via zoom. The meeting id is 529-279-877. The password is the product of the six smallest prime numbers. Please contact me by email with any issues.


All notes

Sporadic extra notes: