Fabian Gundlach

Math 223a (Algebraic Number Theory)

Fall 2020

Classes: Mondays and Fridays 10:30am - 11:45am
Sections: Thursdays 1:30pm - 2:45pm
Instructor: Fabian Gundlach (LASTNAME@math.harvard.edu), office hours Mondays and Fridays noon - 1pm or by appointment
Course assistant: Kenz Kallal (FIRSTNAMELASTNAME@college.harvard.edu), office hours Tuesdays 1:30pm - 2:45pm


Please contact me with any questions. In particular, send me an email if the scheduled class time or office hour time does not work for you. We might be able to find a better time!

To discuss mathematics in sections, office hours, and among yourselves, please get a graphics tablet. For those of you who don't already have one, there is a loaner program: You can contact (617) 495-7777 ipadrequest@fas.harvard.edu to borrow an iPad with stylus from Harvard.


Everything will take place via Zoom. The meeting id for the classes and Fabian's office hours is 963-4209-8909. The password is the product of the six smallest prime numbers.


Final paper

Ideas for final papers
The final paper will be due December 12 at noon. If you send me a draft by December 5, I will look over it and send you feedback.


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