Harvard Number Theory Seminar (academic year 2021/22)

Time: Wednesdays, 3-4pm
Place: Science Center 507
Organizers: Fabian Gundlach and Mark Kisin and Alexander Petrov

If you are a member of the Harvard community, to join the Harvard number theory mailing list (nt@g.harvard.edu) with event announcements, go here, log in with your @g.harvard.edu address, and click "join". We will then add you to the group. Alternatively, send an email to nt+subscribe@g.harvard.edu to subscribe. (You do not need to be on the mailing list to attend the number theory seminar.)


All talks will be fully in person (not on Zoom).

Fall 2021

Spring 2022

Past years

Academic year 2020/21, Academic year 2019/20, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Academic year 2017/18, Academic year 2016/17